August 9, 2024

Shahram Changezi’s monumental contributions to cue sports in Pakistan


By Syed Khalid Mahmood

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

Shahram Changezi, the highly gifted all-round cueist, has made remarkable strides in transforming the perception of snooker in Pakistan. Despite its earlier association with questionable environments at clubs, his efforts have been instrumental in elevating the cue sports’ image and making it much more respectable. 

One of the landmark contributions was his initiative to propose the establishment of Pakistan's first official Billiard and Snooker Academy at the Islamabad Sports Complex. Recognizing the immense potential of the unique idea, Shahram was appointed as the technical consultant for this project. The establishment of official snooker academy gave the sport a formal and recognized status. 

This move not only provided a structured environment for aspiring players but also helped in legitimizing snooker as a sport worthy of pursuit. Since its inception, the academy has been instrumental in producing numerous world-class players. 

Shahram’s dedication and leadership have not only honed the skills of athletes like Muhammad Asif and Hamza Akbar, who went on to win World and Asian Championships, but also elevated Pakistan's standing in international snooker competitions, yielding numerous medals. 

Not to forget that Shahram also won the Asian Games medal in 2010 by sharpening his skills in the same academy. It was last edition of Asian Games in which snooker and billiards were included which makes him as current bronze medalist of snooker in Asian Games. 

Moreover, Shahram’s unique position as an educated player within the Pakistani snooker circuit allowed him to leverage his passion and knowledge effectively. By showcasing both his skills on the table and his commitment off it, he played a crucial role in changing public perception and encouraging parental support for their children to join snooker clubs. 

His relentless efforts to establish a government-owned snooker academy have significantly impacted the youth of Pakistan, steering them away from crime and drug abuse. Recognizing snooker not only as a sport but as a powerful tool for positive change, his vision has transformed the perception of snooker, elevating it to a respected and desirable pursuit. 

Through this initiative, many young people who might have otherwise fallen into detrimental paths have found a constructive outlet and purpose in snooker, thanks to the academy's support and the government's endorsement. 

Shahram’s sustained efforts and dedication have not only popularized snooker but has also provided a much-needed alternative to the challenges faced by Pakistani youth, demonstrating the profound impact of visionary leadership on societal change. 

The establishment of the first official snooker academy in Pakistan underlines his trailblazing efforts. Subsequently, the proliferation of over 2,800 private snooker academies across the country is a testament to his influence in popularizing and patronizing the sport. This growth has even seen an increase in female participation, indicating a broader acceptance and appeal of snooker beyond its traditional boundaries. 

In a country where girls generally face significant social, cultural, and religious barriers that often restrict their opportunities for play and public participation, the establishment of a government-owned snooker academy has opened a transformative door. 

His visionary approach not only provided a platform for young women to engage in snooker but also challenged and began to dismantle the deep-seated gender discrimination they faced. By creating a space where girls could participate in snooker on equal footing with their male counterparts, Shahram's initiative has empowered them to break through societal constraints and pursue their passion without fear or restriction. 

This progressive step has not only enriched the sport but has also contributed to a broader shift towards gender equality, allowing these young women to shine in a field previously inaccessible to them. In addition to his role at the academy, his initiative in forming the Islamabad Billiards and Snooker Association (IBSA) in 2012 further solidified his commitment to nurturing local talent. 

Witnessing the inaugural elections of the IBSA was a testament to his organizational prowess and dedication to the sport. His initiatives have tremendously supported the cueists from the minority communities. 

The Rawalpindi-based Babar Masih, having earned laurels for Pakistan in the recent past, has been one of the proud products of the IBSA. 

Shahram’s unwavering passion and innovative spirit have truly set a benchmark in Pakistani sports history that no other player has ever done. His contributions have not only benefited Islamabad but have also made a significant impact on the national and international levels. He deserves to be lauded for his tireless efforts and the firm belief that his dedication will continue to inspire future generations of athletes. 

In essence, his dedication and vision have not only uplifted snooker's status but also laid the foundation for its widespread acceptance and growth in Pakistan. His role as a catalyst for change in the perception of snooker continues to resonate positively within the sporting community and beyond. Wishing him all the best in his future endeavors, may he continue to achieve great milestones and elevate the sport of Billiards and Snooker to even greater heights.

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