April 27, 2013

Chancellor Adil Usman desires to boost SSUET sports


By Syed Khalid Mahmood
(Pakistan News & Features Services)

The Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Karachi, has emerged as an outstanding institution which has set high standards in the field of education. It has also laid emphasis on sports since its establishment in 1994.


This newly appointed Chancellor of the SSUET, Engr Mohammad Adil Usman, who is also the President of the Aligarh Muslim University Old Boys Association (AMUOBA), has expressed the desire to take the university sports to another level. 

In a chat with a select group of sports scribes at his chamber on April 27, Engr Adil Usman, a great grandson of the legendary Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar, agreed to look into the proposal of allowing admission on sports basis to the athletes having represented the country. 

“In pursuance of the Aligarhian spirit we will continue supporting the cause of sports in a meaningful way and we will do everything possible to serve the community. The SSUET has had a policy of supporting sports from the outset and we will be even more proactive in future,” he stated. 

“The Aligarhian philosophy is based on the fact that physical fitness leads to mental fitness. Our athletes used to excel in academics too. It’s very heartening to know that the same trend has continued at the SSUET as quite a few outstanding athletes have secured above average grades in their studies,” Engr Adil Usman added.


“We will surely look into the possibilities of granting admission in first year to the outstanding athletes having attained national colours. Ideally we will like to have it from as early as the next academic year,” the SSUET Chancellor declared. 

Engr Adil Usman, who captained the Aligarh Muslim University’s badminton team besides representing the historic institution in billiards and snooker, also disclosed his plans to have greater facilities for indoor games at the SSUET. 

“In the near future we will be emphasizing on developing more facilities for indoor games in particular besides taking care of cricket and football outfits. Our plans include procuring tables for billiards and snooker to let our students unfold their talents in cue sports,” he added. 

“We desire to have training and coaching facilities for our athletes to let them enhance their skills. We will also encourage them to participate in the international events so that they could earn laurels for the country as well as the university,” the SSUET Chancellor announced.

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