January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011


By Syed Khalid Mahmood

Time flies. 2010 has receded into history before we could realize that all 365 days of the year have gone. Another year in our lives has lapsed.

2011 has dawned. The celebrations and festivities continue unabated all over the world. For one moment all the miseries and shortcomings are forgotten.

Well we start each and every year with hope, both individually as well as collectively. We have to be optimistic about the year to come. We have to move on despite all the problems and uncertainties surrounding us. As they say the show must go on.

The start of the year is considered to be the time to reassess ourselves and our plans. Ideally we need to pause just for a while to seek confirmation if we are moving in the right direction.

Not much could change in a new year. It can only be the extension of the year gone by. It’s for us to identify our mistakes and try not to repeat them. Wiser people learn from the follies of the others but I believe learning from one’s own mistake is much better than not taking a lesson at all.

So the life goes on. The sporting action continues after the break of just a few days and there will be plenty to talk and write about for the analysts, commentators and anchorpersons.

Let me wish all of you a very happy new year. It has been real pleasure writing on this blog and the feedback has been encouraging. It’s great to be read and followed in different corners of the world.s

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